Reduced opening hours for Betty's Books & Devon Art Supplies | What they are & Why

Unfortunately I'm writing with an update that i know may frustrate some people but after much consideration i have decided it is something i'm going to have to do. 

I'm going to be reducing the opening hours of my shop 'Devon Art Supplies & Betty's Books' 

As some of you will already know i run the shop single handed with no staff and no help from family or friends alongside raising my young children. In recent months and weeks my health, both physical and mental has been a battle and it has got to the point where i need to take a step back and reduce my commitments until i feel i'm fully back on my feet and feel able to commit to working 6 days a week again. I'm doing this rather than putting myself under strain and pushing to breaking point at which i would then have to shut on random days when i'm so unwell that i cannot open (my apologies for this happening recently). Rather than let this happen continuously i'm going to reduce the opening hours to: 

Tuesday to Saturday: 10am to 3pm 
Sunday & Monday: CLOSED 

An important note here is that these are just the set opening hours, there will often be occasions where i'm well enough to open earlier, stay open later and maybe even open on a Monday but i do not want to commit and let people down. So the above are the set opening hours but if the sign is out then we are open and you are very welcome in to browse and buy. 

My apologies to anyone that this frustrates, i know that opening hours in Seaton are a very emotive subject. I'm very sorry that i've had to take this action but i hope that in a few months i'll be able to extend the hours back. 

Thank you for your understanding. 


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