Girl, Missing by Sophie McKenzie : Book Review

Girl, Missing
By Sophie McKenzie
Available here

Possibly the first time I have read a book in less than 24hrs! (it was a quiet day at work so I had extra time to read)

This is the first time I have read anything by this author and I didn't know anything about her, I just picked up the book second hand locally.

The blurb read
Girl, Missing
Lauren has always known she was adopted but when a little research turns up the possibility that she was snatched from an American family as a baby, suddenly Lauren’s life seems like a sham. How can she find her biological parents? And are her adoptive parents really responsible for kidnapping her? She manages to persuade her family to take a trip across the Atlantic where she runs away to try and find the truth. But the circumstances of her disappearance are murky and Lauren’s kidnappers are still at large and willing to do anything to keep her silent..."
Information from 

It reads as I imagine most 14/15 year olds would write which makes sense given it was written in the first person.

The story captured me from the beginning, it kept me wanting to read on. I was able to guess quite a few of the plot twists but that's only because I have read so many books that not much surprises me anymore!

I did really enjoy the book though, it was an easy and quick read. I didn't know it was designed for you g adults though when I picked it up! That probably explains why I was able to read it so quickly. 30 is still young though, right? Ha.

Since researching this author further I've found more of her books I'd like to read including a sequel to this one so I'll be on the look out for that next.

Now I best get back to my Master's reading, Plato's Meno is calling me!
