Returning to university to start my Masters Degree

After graduating with my Art & Design focused Hons Degree in 2017 i didn't really know whether i wanted to go on and study at Masters level. I'm in no way a natural academic; i struggle with my spelling, i find structuring my writing difficult sometimes and i have extreme anxiety when it comes to exams and essays. That being said i love to learn, there is something about gaining knowledge and understanding of different subjects that interests me.

I had hoped to do an MA in Fine Arts but unfortunately with young children my only uni option is the Open University for distance studying who don't offer a Fine Art MA. They do offer an Art History MA but on further investigation i came across the information for the Philosophy MA which involved the study of Aesthetics therefore having a strong link to the arts. I further investigated and found that there should be scope for more study in this specific area as the course goes on so i decided to apply.

I got in! I was officially accepted on Friday and i managed to secure a funding loan too cover the costs. I will be starting my MA in October and i can't wait!

I will of course be juggling the course with being a mum, business owner, working artist and art tutor but hopefully i will find a balance for all and be able to make things work.

Obviously this course will require lots of studying and writing, which means i will be needing somewhere to outlet all of the information i'm taking on. This means my blog here will probably end up showcasing some of the interesting things i've learnt;so you've been warned, there is likely to be some really different blog posts appearing on here soon!
