Best festive TV advert I have ever seen!

I just watched the best festive TV advert ever, with a very important message!

Have you seen the VISA advert yet? All about supporting your local high streets. If not you can watch it here:

This is such an important message and I really do hope you will all do your best to support local when Xmas shopping this year.

Remember there are so many ways you can support local, here are some ways without even spending money:

- share their business page social media posts
- comment on & 'like' their business page social media posts
- browse around to find out what is on offer then tell your friends and family what you saw in the local shops
- Let them know what you think of their shop, give them feedback & wish them well

Small business owners care about every penny you spend in their shops, every penny helps to keep the roof over their heads so please do support them
